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Thank you very much for the book & speech manuscript of Mr. VInod Saighal from India who participated in the 19th IPPNW world summit (BASEL) this time. The book proved to be good reference material as it contains interesting information about aspects such as the necessity to mobilise the opinion of citizens towards nuclear arms abolishment, and the role The IPPNW should play, amongst other things.

Furthermore , I was also informed of the outcome of the summit by The Japan Local Administration Branch Officiating Secretary General , Mr. KATAOKA KATSUKO .

I would like to thank Mr. MURATKA once again for initiating this convention through which " The heart of Hiroshima" is being put forth to the world to appeal for peace.

In addition , the Officiating U.N. Secretary General participated in the Peace Memorial Ceremony this year and sent out a strong message to the people of the entire world saying that, "Let us realise the dream of creating our world ; a world which has no nuclear arms.

At present, I feel that the opportunity to create a world with no nuclear arms is extremely favourable, but it can only be done by relentless efforts to convert the political thinking of the Governments of various countries ; especially those who possess nuclear arms.

I would also like to bring in the new dawn of the world with no nuclear arms through a "Peace Ceremony " at the 2020 Olympics. At present, I do not know how that will be achieved, but I am in talks with various people and thinking of means to make this possible.

I am of the firm conviction that, along with the constant efforts and help of all of you towards abolishing nuclear arms by the year 2020, both the dreams of complete nuclear disarmament and the Olympic Ceremony at Hiroshima will definitely be attained.

I would like to thank you again for continuing your active efforts towards this cause,

With sincerest thanks,

Yours sincerely,
Mayor of Hiroshima.

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